with special thanks to the Federal Republic of Germany

His Excellency Valdas Adamkus
President of Lithuania

Dr. Ken Alibek
President, Advanced Biosystems
Former Second in Command,
U.S.S.R. Biopreparat

Mr. Frederick Axelgard
Director, International Operations,
General Dynamics

Mr. Arne Axelsson
Head, Swedish Aviation Safety Authority

Dr. Norbert Baas
German Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Brigadier General Sauro Baistrocchi
Ministry of Defense of Italy

Mr. József Bali
Deputy State Secretary for Policy,
Ministry of Defense of Hungary

Secretary General Dirk J. Barth
Ministry of Defense of the Kingdom of the Netherlands

Ms. Anne D. Baylon
Deputy Director,
Center for Strategic Decision Research

Mr. Raymond Benjamin
Executive Secretary,
European Civil Aviation Conference (ECAC)

Dr. Hans E. Birke
BDLI (German Aerospace Industries Association)

Mr. Keirn C. Brown, Jr.
Director of Joint Programs,
Northrop Grumman Corporation

Colonel (Ret.) Adolf Brüggemann
Chairman of the Board for Press and Public Relations,
Clausewitz-Gesellschaft e.V.

Lieutenant General Vincenzo Camporini
Deputy Chief of the Italian Defense Staff

Dr. Ashton B. Carter
Professor, Science and International Affairs,
Harvard University Kennedy School of Government

Mr. Giedrius Čekuolis
Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania

Ambassador Božo Cerar
Foreign Ministry of Slovenia

Mr. Satish Chandra
Deputy to the Indian National Security Advisor

The Honourable Dr. Kema Chikwe
Minister of Aviation,
Federal Republic of Nigeria

Ambassador Daniel R. Coats
United States Embassy to Germany

Mr. Steve Coggins
Senior Vice-President and General Manager, EMEA,
Silicon Graphics, Inc.

Mr. Carmelo Cosentino
Senior Vice President,
Alenia Aeronautica S.p.A.

Mr. William Cralley
Research Staff Member,
Institute for Defense Analyses

Mr. Eugene Cunningham
General Manager, International Business Development,
Boeing Military Aircraft and Missile Systems

Ambassador Gintė Damušis
Head of Lithuanian Mission to NATO

Mr. Thomas Darcy
Vice President, International,
Northrop Grumman Corporation

Mr. Wolf-Peter Denker
Senior Vice President,
Governmental and Political Affairs, EADS

Mr. Werner Dornisch
Member of the Executive Board,
Diehl Stiftung and Co.

Mr. Uwe Duveneck
General Manager,
STN Atlas Electronics GmbH

Brigadier General
Amr Mohamed Abdel Aziz El Dessouky
Military Intelligence,
Ministry of Defense of Egypt

Major General Hossem Ibrahim El Elazabey
Egyptian Military Center for Strategic Studies

Ambassador Mohamed Abdelhay M. Elorabi
Embassy of Egypt to Germany

Dr. Thomas Enders
Executive Vice President,
Defense and Civil Systems, EADS

Ambassador Asif Ezdi
Embassy of Pakistan to Germany

Commodore Onofrio Flagiello
Ministry of Defense of Italy

General Lajos Fodor
Chief of the Defense Staff of Hungary

Lieutenant General Antonio Fontes Ramos
Portuguese Military Representative to NATO and EU

Ms. Karina Forster
General Manager,
International Public Affairs GmbH

Mr. Štefan Füle
First Deputy Minister of Defense of the Czech Republic

Ms. Violeta Gaižauskaitė
Spokesperson for the President of Lithuania

Mr. Alain Garcia
Executive Vice President of Engineering,
Airbus SAS

Ambassador Vaidievutis Ipolitas Geralavičius
Embassy of Lithuania to Germany

Mr. Chris Glasow
U.S. Transportation Security Administration

Brigadier General Peter Goebel
Defense Attaché,
Embassy of Germany to the United States

Dr. Bernardino Gomes
Portuguese Atlantic Commission

Mr. Carlos Grandal
Director of Institutional Relations,

His Excellency Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie
Former President of Indonesia

Dr. Ing. Ilham A. Habibie
Executive Vice President,
Indonesian Aerospace (IAe)

Dr. Joseph Halgus
President, Croton Institute

Mr. Scott Harris
Vice President, Plans and Analysis,
Lockheed Martin

Dr. Robert J. Hermann
Defense Science Board
Senior Partner, Global Technology Partners, LLC

Mr. Rainer Hertrich
Co-Chief Executive Officer, EADS

Mr. Peter Ho Hak Ean
First Permanent Secretary,
Ministry of Defense of Singapore

Ambassador Dr. Erich P. Hochleitner
Director, Austrian Institute for European Security Policy

Dr. Edward Ifft
Senior Advisor, Defense Threat Reduction Agency

Mr. Albert Jónsson
Foreign Policy Advisor, Office of the
Prime Minister of Iceland

General (Ret.) George Joulwan
Former Supreme Allied Commander, Europe

State Secretary Ratislav Káčer
Ministry of Defense of Slovakia

Mr. Slawomir Kaminski
Expert, National Security Bureau,
Chancellery of the President of Poland

Dr. Sergei A. Karaganov
Chairman of the Presidium,
Council on Foreign and Defense Policy

Deputy State Secretary Csaba Körösi
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Hungary

Dr. Assad Kotaite
International Civil Aviation Organization Council

Ambassador Jerzy Kranz
Embassy of Poland to Germany

General Harald Kujat
Chief of Defense of Germany,
Chairman of the NATO Military Committee (Designate)

His Excellency Aleksander Kwaśniewski
President of the Republic of Poland

Admiral (Ret.) Jacques Lanxade
Former Chief of Defense of France,
Military Advisor to EADS

Ambassador Dr. Boris Lazar
Embassy of the Czech Republic to Germany

Ms. Leslie S. Lebl
Minister-Counselor for Political Affairs,
United States Mission to the EU

His Excellency Linas Linkevičius
Defense Minister of Lithuania

Colonel Tarek Mansour
Deputy Defense Attaché
Embassy of Egypt to Germany

Professor Dr. Margarita Mathiopoulos
CEO, EAG European Advisory Group, Germany

Mr. Egidijus Meilūnas
Diplomatic Advisor to the President of Lithuania

Dr. Elisa Moretti
Deputy Secretary General of Defense,
Ministry of Defense of Italy

Mr. Stephen Moss
President, AgustaWestland

State Secretary Ralf Nagel
German Ministry of Transportation and Housing

Ambassador Jaromir Novotný
Embassy of the Czech Republic to India

Lieutenant General Kevin O’Donoghue
Military Representative of the United Kingdom to
NATO and the EU

Rear Admiral Joern Olesen
Deputy Chief of Staff, Plans and Policy,
Defense Command of Denmark

His Excellency Tomas Ingi Olrich
Minister of Education, Culture and Science of Iceland

Mr. Giuseppe Orsi
Managing Director, Marketing and Sales,

Admiral Giampaolo Di Paola
Secretary General of Defense, Ministry of
Defense of Italy

His Excellency Dr. Ioan Mircea Paşcu
Minister of National Defense of Romania

Mr. Marc Perrin de Brichambaut
Director, Strategic Affairs,
Ministry of Defense of France

Dr. Andrei Piontkovskiy
Director, Center of Strategic Studies, Moscow

Mr. John Quilty
Senior Vice President and Director,
The MITRE Corporation

Mr. Aloysius Rauen
President and CEO, Military Aircraft,
EADS Deutschland GmbH

Vice Admiral (Ret.) Norman Ray
President, Europe, Raytheon International

Mr. Jean-Arthur Régibeau
Diplomatic Advisor, Ministry of Defense of Belgium

Dr. Sergey Rogov
Director, Institute of the USA and Canada,
Russian Academy of Sciences

Dr. Dmitry Rogozin
Head of the Committee on Foreign Affairs,
Russian Duma

Mr. Alfredo Roma
Chairman, European Civil Aviation Conference (ECAC)

Mr. Vincent Roske, Jr.
Joint Chiefs of Staff,
U.S. Department of Defense

Mr. Zbigniew Rucinski
Advisor, National Security Bureau of Poland

Ambassador Jean de Ruyt
Permanent Representative of Belgium to the UN

His Excellency Rudolf Scharping
Defense Minister of Germany

Mr. John Scherer
Vice President,
Raytheon International

His Excellency Otto Schily
Interior Minister of Germany

His Excellency Jörg Schönbohm
Interior Minister of Brandenburg

Lieutenant General Rainer Schuwirth
Head of European Union Military Staff

Lieutenant General Jirí Šedivý
Chief of the General Staff,
Armed Forces of the Czech Republic

Ambassador Heinrich Seeman
Embassy of Germany to Indonesia

Mr. Christian Shore
Director, International Policy, Raytheon Co.

Mr. Dave Shorrock
Director, Worldwide Defense Development,
Silicon Graphics, Inc.

Professor Stefano Silvestri
President, Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI)

Ambassador Matjaž Šinkovec
Head of Mission of the Republic of Slovenia to NATO

State Secretary Marek Siwiec
National Security Advisor to the President of Poland

Lieutenant Colonel Michael Slifka
Defense Threat Reduction Agency Liaison

Lieutenant General Jörn Söder
ISAS (Institut für Strategische Analysen) Chairman,
ASL Aircraft Services Lemwerder GmbH

Mr. Fred Spivey
Director, International Business Development,
The Boeing International Corporation

Dr. Stuart Starr
Director of Plans, The MITRE Corporation

Mr. Teemu Tanner
Deputy Chief,
Mission of Finland to the United States

His Excellency Borys Tarasyuk
Member of Parliament,
Former Foreign Minister of Ukraine

Dr. Ian Thomas
Director, International Policy, The Boeing Company

His Excellency Andrzej Towpik
Under Secretary of State for Defense Policy,
Ministry of Defense of Poland

Ambassador Adrian Vierita
Embassy of Romania to Germany

Mr. Alfred Volkman
Director for International Cooperation,
Office of the United States Under Secretary of Defense, AT&L

Ambassador Aleksandr Vondra
Former Ambassador of the Czech Republic to the U.S.,
Prague Summit Commissioner

Ambassador Dr. Martin Vukovich
Security Policy Department Head,
Foreign Ministry of Austria

Mr. Hans-Joachim Weber
Foreign Ministry of Germany

Dr. Hans-Heinrich Weise
German Deputy Director General of Armaments

Vice Admiral (Ret.) Ulrich Weisser
Former Head of Planning Staff,
Defense Ministry of Germany

Dr. Roger Weissinger-Baylon
Workshop Founder and Chairman
Director, Center for Strategic Decision Research

Dr. Linton Wells
United States Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary
of Defense, C3I

Mr. Seth Wilson
Int’l Programs Manager,
Office of U.S. Under Secretary of Defense, AT&L

Lieutenant General Richard Wolsztynski
Vice Chief of Defense Staff of France

Ms. Mary L. Wu
Workshop Director, Center for Strategic
Decision Research

Dr. Stephen M. Younger
Director, Defense Threat Reduction Agency

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