Principal Sponsors: French Minister of Defense, U.S. Department of Defense (Net Assessment), NATO (Public Diplomacy), Center for Strategic Decision Research, and IHEDN (Institute for Higher Defense Studies in the French Prime Minister's Organization) Patrons and Keynote Speakers. View the recent Patrons, Keynote Speakers, and Advisory Board Members of the International Workshops on Global Security and the Center for Strategic Decision Research, including defense ministers, heads of state or government, senior military commanders, academics, and industry leaders. 2015 Workshop Proceedings: |
The 32nd International Workshop on Global Security was presented in Paris at the Hotel National des Invalides in November, 2015 with the Ptronage of French Defense Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian. The workshop was organized in partnership with the Center for Strategic Decision Reseach, the Institut des hautes etudes de defense nationale (IHEDN) within the Prime Minister's organization, NATO (Public Diplomacy), the U.S. Department of Defense (Net Assessment), and other organizations including Lockheed Martin, McAfee/Intel, MITRE, Area SpA, FireEye, Tiversa, Kaspersky Lab, AECOM, and Quantum Research International. Key speakers were Lieutenant General Bernard de Courrèges d’Ustou, Director,Institute for Higehr Defense Studies (IHEDN); Lieutenant General Heinrich Brauss, NATO Assistant Secretary General for Defense Policy and Planning; Vice Admiral Arnaud Coustillière, General officer cyber defense, French Ministry of Defense; Mr. Guillaume Poupard, Director General, French National Agency for Information Systems Security (ANSSI); Ambassador Sorin Ducaru, NATO Assistant Secretary General for Emerging Security Challenges; Ambassador David Martinon, Ambassador for Cyber Diplomacy and the Digital Economy, French Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Vice Admiral Arnaud Coustillière, General officer cyber defense, French Ministry of Defense; Mr. Guillaume Poupard, Director General, French National Agency for Information Systems Security (ANSSI); Ambassador Sorin Ducaru, NATO Assistant Secretary General for Emerging Security Challenges; Ambassador David Martinon, Ambassador for Cyber Diplomacy and the Digital Economy, French Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Mr. Christian Gravel, Prefect, Director of the Government Information Service (SIG), Office of the French Prime Minister; Mr. Jean-Yves Latournerie, Cyber Prefect (Préfet, Conseiller du gouvernment, chargé de la lutte contre les cybermenaces), French Ministry of the Interior; Senator Jean-Marie Bockel, French Senate, Member of the Foreign Affairs, Defense and Armed Forces Committee; Former Secretary of State for Defense; Mr. Eduardo Rihan Cypel, Deputy (Seine-et-Marne), French National Assembly; Mr. Chris Painter, Coordinator for Cyber Issues, U.S. Department of State; Ms. Heli Tiirmaa-Klaar, Head of Cyber Policy Coordination, Conflict Prevention and Security Policy Directorate, European External Action Service; Dr. Steve Purser, Head of Core Operation Department, ENISA (European Union Agency for Network and Information Security); Ambassador Ihor Dolhov, Deputy Minister of Defense of Ukraine; Mr. Ioan Mircea Pascu, Vice President of the European Parliament; Former Minister of Defense of Romania; Ambassador Oleh Shamshur; Ambassador of Ukraine to France; Mr. Ioan Mircea Pascu, Vice President of the European Parliament, Former Minister of Defense of Romania;Mr. Koen Gijsbers, General Manager, NATO Communications and Information Agency; Dr. Frederick Douzet, Castex Chair of Cyber Strategy, IHEDN; Général (Gendarmerie) Marc Watin-Augouard, Founder of the Forum International de la Cyber Security (FIC), Director, Center for Research, Officer School of the Gendarmerie Nationale; Ing. Général Daniel Argenson, Deputy Director, Institute for Higher Defense Studies (IHEDN); Ing. General Robert Ranquet, Former Deputy Director, Institute for Higher Defense Studies (IHEDN). |
Paris 2014 Workshop |
2014 Workshop Proceedings |
31st International Workshop on Global Security Key speakers included Lieutenant General Bernard de Courrèges d’Ustou, Director of the Institut des hautes études de défense nationale (IHEDN); General Patrick de Rousiers, Chairman of the European Union Military Committee and Military Advisor to the High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs; Ambassador Terry Stamatopoulos, NATO Assistant Secretary General for Political Affairs and Security Policy; Ms. Marietje Schaake, MEP, Member of the European Parliament (The Netherlands); Ambassador Sorin Ducaru, NATO Assistant Secretary General for Emerging Security Challenges; General Hans-Lothar Domröse, Commander of Allied Joint Force Command Brunssum;Senator Alain Richard, French Senate (Val d‘Oise), former Minister of Defense of France; Senator Jean-Marie Bockel, French Senate, Member of the Foreign Affairs, Defense and Armed Forces Committee and former Secretary of State for Defense; Mr. Chris Painter, Coordinator for Cyber Issues, U.S. Department of State; Major General John Allen Davis, Acting U.S. Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Cyber Policy; Mr. Haden Land, Vice President, Research and Technology, Lockheed Martin Information Systems and Global Solutions; as well as Mr. James Wylly, Microsoft Corporation; and Mr. Maurice Cashman, McAfee, a part of Intel Security. |
His Excellency Jean-Yves Le Drian Patron of the 31st International Workshop on Global Security. |
Paris 2013 Workshop |
Rome 2012 Workshop |
2012 Workshop Proceedings: Click here to download the complete book of workshop speeches (approximately 6 MB): 2012 Rome Workshop Proceedings |
In addition to keynote speakers Defense Minister Giampaolo Di Paola, U.S. Deputy Secretary of Homeland Security Jane Holl Lute, and Finmeccanica CEO Giuseppe Orsi, invited speakers and participants included defense ministers, chiefs of defense general staff, other senior officials including political and military representatives to NATO, the EU, the UN, and representatives from industry. Nearly 30 countries from Europe, North America, and Asia participated. Themes for workshop discussions included the strategic implications of the current economic crisis, the "Arab Spring" in North Africa and the Middle East, as well as withdrawal from Iraq and Afghanistan. There was an emphasis again this year on the challenges of cyber security and information technologies. Principal Sponsors: Presidency of the Italian Republic, Italian Ministry of Defense, and the U.S. Department of Defense (Under Secretary of Defense-AT&L, Director of Net Assessment, National Defense University) Major Sponsors: AFCEA, ELT | Elettronica, MITRE, Northrop Grumman, Renesys, Resi Group, URS, University of Tennessee, IBM, Italware, SELEX Elsag, SELEX Sistemi Integrati |
His Excellency Workshop Patron |
His Excellency Patron and Keynote Speaker |
General Biagio Abrate Honorary Chairman |
The Honorable |
Paris 2011 Workshop |
28th International Workshop on Global Security In his role as Patron and Keynote Speaker of the 28th International Workshop on Global Security, His Excellency Gérard Longuet, France's Minister of Defense, welcomed the workshop to Paris for the third time to address the theme of "Global Security--The Risks of Strategic Surprise." He was joined by the United States Deputy Secretary of Defense, the Honorable William J. Lynn III, who called attention to the growing challenge of cyber security--which will be one of the main themes of our 2012 Workshop in Rome, Italy. 2011 Workshop Proceedings: Click here to download complete book (PDF, 3.9MB): 2011 Paris Workshop Proceedings |
Hs Excellency Gérard Longuet |
The Honorable William Lynn III |
Berlin 2010 Workshop |
27th International Workshop on Global Security |
Presentations at the 2010 International Workshop on Global Security: |
Istanbul '09 Workshop |
26th International Workshop on Global Security Click to download 2009 Workshop Proceedings: "Global Security in Times of Economic Uncertainty" (PDF, 3.2MB) 2009 Workshop Brochure (PDF, 2MB) READ MORE about Istanbul workshop speakers, themes, workshop panels..... READ about newly confirmed speakers - defense ministers of Estonia, Latvia, Montenegro, Portugal, Slovenia, Italy's Chief of General Staff, and additional workshop information.... |
Turkish Defense Minister Vecdi Gönül. |
Paris '07 Workshop |
24th International Workshop on Global Security General Henri Bentégeat, President of the EU Military Committee (and former French Armed Forces Chief of Staff) Major speakers of the Paris Workshop included Georgian Vice Prime Minister Giorgi Baramidze, former Ukrainian Foreign Minister Borys Tarasyuk, Estonian Defense Minister Jaak Aaviksoo, Albanian Defense Minister Fatmir Mediu, Bulgarian Defense Minister Veselin Bliznakov, Georgian Foreign Minister Gela Bezhuashvili, Italian Chief of Defense Admiral Giampaolo Di Paola, Polish Chief of Defense General Franciszek Gagor, Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE) Chief of Staff General Rainer Schuwirth, Allied Joint Force Commander Gen. Egon Ramms, former Supreme Allied Commander Europe (SACEUR) General George Joulwan, former SACEUR General James Jones, OSCE Dir Gen Marc Perrin de Brichambaut, OPCW Dir. Gen. Rogelio Pfirter, British Amb to NATO Stewart Eldon, Spain's NATO Amb Pablo Benavides Orgaz, Italian Amb to NATO Stefano Stefanini, Russian Amb to the EU Vladimir Chizhov, Algeria’s U.N. Amb. Youcef Yousfi, Hunary's UN Ambassador Gabor Brodi, Pakistan’s U.N. Ambassador Munir Akram, French Defense Ministry Dir. of Strategic Affairs Jean de Ponton d’Amécourt, U.K. Special Representative for Climate Change John Ashton, Thales Senior VP Dr. Edgar Buckley, Alenia Aeronautica CEO Ing. Giovanni Bertolone, Lockheed Martin Senior VP Robert Trice, Northrop Grumman IT Global President Kent Schneider, Microsoft Exec Dir Tim Bloechl, EADS Chief Operating Officer Mr. Marwan Lahoud, U.S. Assistant to the Sec of Def Dr. Arthur T. Hopkins, U.S. Director for International Cooperation Mr. Alfred Volkman, U.S. Dep Asst Sec Robert Lentz, and U.S. Assistant Secretary of Defense Hon. John Grimes. To view the Paris Workshop papers click on authors below: Photos of Opening Speakers and Special Events - click here Photos of Panels - NATO After Riga; NATO-UN-EU, Black Sea Region - click here Photos of Panels - Cyber Defense, Armaments Coop, & Way Ahead - click here |
Global Security in Crisis, the proceedings of the 24th International Workshop on Global Security, Paris, 2007. |
Key Speakers and Patron of the Paris '07 Workshop |
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General Henri Bentégeat, President of the EU Military Committee, former Chief of French General Staff | ![]() |
French Defense Minister Hervé Morin Patron of the 24th International Workshop |
Berlin '06 Workshop |
23rd International Workshop on Global Security - Berlin, May 2006 |
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ILA Berlin Air Show |
Chantilly Follow-up ColloquiumThis booklet contains the proceedings of the Chantilly Follow-up Colloquium which was held on 9 January 2006 in Paris, France at the Defense Ministry. It was presented by the Center for Strategic Decision Research and the Délégation aux Affaires Stratégiques, Ministère de Défense, with the aim of further developing the discussion topics of the 22nd International Workshop in Chantilly in June 2005 and preparing for the upcoming 23rd International Workshop in Berlin in May 2006. Report: Proceedings of the Chantilly Follow-up Colloquium: Meeting the Security Challenges Ahead (PDF)
Paris '05 Workshop |
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22nd International Workshop on Global Security - Paris, June 2005 Keynote Speaker: French Defense Minister Michele Alliot-Marie Principal speakers: UK Defense Minister John Reid, Canadian Defense Minister Bill Graham, NATO Military Committee Chairman General Harald Kujat, designated NATO Military Committee Chairman General Raymond Henault, French Director of Strategic Affairs Marc Perrin de Brichambaut, Deputy Supreme Allied Commander Transformation Sir Mark Stanhope, SHAPE Chief of Staff General Rainer Schuwirth, NATO Commander General Gerhard Back, former Supreme Allied Commander Europe General George Joulwan, former NATO Military Committee Chairman General Klaus Naumann, EADS Executive Vice President Jean-Louis Gergorin, Chair of House of Commons Select Committee on Defense The Rt Hon Bruce George. |
Britain's Defense Secretary |
Berlin '04 Workshop |
21st International Workshop on Global Security - Berlin, May 2004 Download 2004 Workshop Proceedings (PDF, 1.14 MB. |
General Harald Kujat,
Chairman of the NATO MIlitary
Committee |
General James Jones, |
About the Center for Strategic Decision Research (CSDR) |
The Center for Strategic Decision Research is a small research institute located near Stanford University in Menlo Park, California. For more than 30years, CSDR has presented an annual forum--presently called The International Workshop on Global Security--in major European cities. These workshops bring together political, military, industry, and academic leaders from North American, European, Asian, and African countries to discuss global security challenges on an informal and not-for-attribution basis. Participants have included the heads of state or government of Austria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Luxembourg, Romania, and Bulgaria, as well as foreign ministers, defense ministers, ambassadors, military leaders, business leaders, academics, and representatives from the European Union, NATO, the OSCE, and the United Nations. CSDR has recently sponsored annual conferences at Stanford University on the Horn of Africa and has long-term interests in finding ways to better transatlantic and global relations. CSDR also held workshops in Paris, France in partnership with the French Defense Ministry on the evolving roles of NATO, the EU, and ESDP. |
Workshop Sponsors |
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