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Dr. Roger Weissinger-Baylon Workshop Chairman Director, Center for Strategic Decision Research |
At the invitation of French Minister of Defense Michèle Alliot-Marie, the 22nd International Workshop on Global Security was presented at La Chapelle-en-Serval and the Chateau de Chantilly on 10-12 June 2005 in order to address the theme of “Global Security: A Security Strategy for the Coming Decade.” Responding to the “continental drift” that has threatened to further separate the two shores of the Atlantic, Minister Alliot-Marie has said that she would be the Minister of “defense diplomacy” (diplomatie de defense): For the first time in two decades, she invited the NATO Defense Ministers to an informal ministerial meeting that was held in Nice earlier this year. And we hope that our 22nd International Workshop further contributes to her vision of strengthened U.S.-European relations.
Patronage of Minister Michèle Alliot-Marie. We appreciate Minister Alliot-Marie's warm invitation to hold this year's Workshop in France, her many contributions as Workshop Patron, and the remarkable help of an organizing committee that her Ministry established in Paris nearly one year in advance of the Workshop. This committee comprised well-chosen representatives of French government and industry: Ambassador Marc Perrin de Brichambaut, then Director for Strategic Affairs in the Defense Ministry and now OSCE Secretary General; Mr. Jean-Louis Gergorin, Executive Vice President at EADS-France; Ingénieur Général de l’Armement Robert Ranquet, Deputy Director of Strategic Affairs in the Ministry; and Admiral Jean Betermier (Ret.), Special Advisor to the Chairman of EADS.
Workshop Advisory Board. Members of the Workshop Advisory Board were also invaluable in planning for this year's Workshop, and we have tried to recognize them and some of their contributions below. On this committee, General George Joulwan was especially helpful. Ever since he succeeded General John Shalikasvili as Supreme Allied Commander, Europe and Honorary General Chairman of the Workshop, General George Joulwan has played an important leadership role. During this year's Workshop discussions, he has expressed grave concern for casualties in Iraq and called for a major program to deal with the improvised explosive devices that are the major cause.
Addresses by Defense Ministers. In her role as Workshop Patron, Minister Alliot-Marie presented the Workshop's opening keynote address on 10 June and presided a panel of distinguished political leaders: British Defence Secretary Dr. John Reid, Canadian Defense Minister Bill Graham, Bulgarian Defense Minister Nikolay Svinarov, Slovakian Defense Minister Juraj Liška, and Slovenian Defense Minister Karl Erjavec.
General Harald Kujat's valedictory address. Later that evening, General Harald Kujat gave his final address as Chairman of NATO's Military Committee and NATO's most senior military official. General Kujat has supported and participated in the Workshop as Director of Germany's Planning Staff, as Chief of Defense of Germany, and as Chairman of the NATO Military Committee. He has contributed much to the Workshop and his leadership will be missed. We were glad that General Raymond Henault, his successor, was able to participate in the Workshop as well.
NATO's operational role. On 11 June, opening speakers were General George Joulwan, former Supreme Allied Commander, Europe; Mr. John Koenig, Acting U.S. Permanent Representative on the North Atlantic Council; General Rainer Schuwirth, Chief of Staff of Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE); and General Gerhard W. Back, Commander of Allied Joint Force Command, Brunssum (whose responsibilities include NATO's mission in Afghanistan).
Iran and the Middle East. Dr. Werner Fasslabend, Member of the Austrian Parliament and former Minister of Defense of Austria, gave a luncheon address on “Iran's Security Implications in the Middle East” which was followed by discussions led by Ambassador Benoît d’Aboville, France's Permanent Representative on the North Atlantic Council. His Canadian counterpart, Ambassador Jean-Pierre Juneau, presided over a special session in which Ambassador Thomas Pickering, former United States Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs and a Boeing Senior Vice President, also addressed Iran and the Middle East.
The EU and NATO. Ambassador Marc Perrin de Brichambaut chaired a major panel on “The Way Ahead for the EU and NATO” with presentations by Admiral Giampaolo Di Paola, Italy's Chief of Defense Staff; General Klaus Naumann, former Chief of Defense of Germany and Former Chairman of the NATO Military Committee; and Lieutenant General Jean-Paul Perruche, Director General of the European Union Military Staff.
Investing in capabilities. Speaking on “Global Security: Investing in Capabilities” were Dale Klein, U.S. Assistant to the Secretary of Defense for Nuclear, Chemical and Biological Defense Programs; Mr. Jean-Louis Gergorin; Rt Hon Bruce George, Chair of the Select Committee on Defense of the U.K. House of Commons; and Mr. Denis Ranque, Chairman and CEO of Thales.
Ukraine's Orange Revolution. At the Chateau de Chantilly, the historic residence of the Princes de Condé, Mr. Jean-Louis Gergorin welcomed participants on behalf of the French government and industry. Ukraine's Foreign Minister Borys Tarasyuk described Ukraine's experience since the Orange Revolution six months earlier.
Providing the capabilities. On 12 June, addressing the theme of “International Cooperation: Providing the Capabilities,” Mr. Patrick Auroy, Director for Force Systems and Industrial, Technological and Cooperation Strategies, Délégation Générale pour l’Armement at the French Ministry of Defense, led a large and distinguished panel of acquisition and industry leaders with Mr. Jan-Olof Lind, Swedish National Armaments Director; Dr. Hans-Heinrich Weise, Ministerialdirektor, Director of the Armaments Division at the German Defense Ministry; Mr. Alfred Volkman, Director for International Cooperation in the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense (Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics); Admiral Sir Mark Stanhope, Deputy Supreme Allied Commander Transformation; Mr. François Courtot, Senior Vice President for International Development at SAFRAN; Mr. Giovanni Bertolone, Chief Executive Officer of Alenia Aeronautica S.p.A.; and Dr. Scott Harris, President for Continental Europe of Lockheed Martin Global.
Network-centric operations. Dr. Linton Wells II, U.S. Assistant Secretary of Defense for Networks and Information Integration (acting), chaired a series of major presentations on network-centric technologies and information technologies which were presented by Mr. Kent Schneider, President of Defense Enterprise Solutions at Northrop Grumman Information Technology and Mr. Thomas Vice, Vice President–Business Development at Northrop Grumman Integrated Systems.
Workshop wrap-up. Ambassador Jaromir Novotný, Czech Ambassador to India, chaired a final “Overview” panel with Latvian State Secretary Edgars Rinkevics, Romanian State Secretary Ion Mircea Plangu, and Vice-Admiral Tarmo Kõuts, Commander of the Estonian Defense Forces.
Principal Sponsors of the 22nd International Workshop on Global Security
Principal sponsors. The principal sponsors of the 22nd International Workshop were:
- French Ministry of Defense, with the Patronage of Minister Michèle Alliot-Marie
- EADS (European Aeronautic Defense and Space Company)
- Northrop Grumman Corporation
- U.S. Department of Defense
Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics
Assistant Secretary of Defense for Networks and Information Integration
Office of the Director of Net Assessment in the Office of the Secretary of Defense
Defense Threat Reduction Agency, and
National Defense University Foundation - Center for Strategic Decision Research, which founded the Workshop series and has presented the Workshops annually for twenty-two years.
French Ministry of Defense. At the French Ministry of Defense, we received outstanding support from Minister Michèle Alliot-Marie, Ambassador Marc Perrin de Brichambaut, Ingénieur Général Robert Ranquet, as well as two members of Minister Alliot-Marie's private office, Mrs. Hélène de Rochefort and Mr. Camille Grand. Other vital contributors were Ambassador Benoit d’Aboville, Air Force Chief of Staff General Richard Wolsztynski; Lt. General Patrick Porchier, French Military Representative to the NATO Military Committee; Mr. Patrick Auroy, Lt. General Jean-Paul Perruche, and Ms. Claude-France Arnould, a senior French diplomat currently on the EU staff in Brussels.
EADS. Mr. Jean-Louis Gergorin, who shared the Workshop's early conceptual leadership with Ambassador Perrin de Brichambaut, was truly one of the Workshop's principal architects. We greatly appreciate the effective support of Admiral Jean Betermier, as well as the help of Mr. Jacques Beltran and Ms. Emmanuelle Lemaire. Other key EADS participants were Mr. Wolf-Peter Denker, Senior Vice President of EADS Germany, Professor Dr. Holger Mey, head of Customer Relations in Defense and Security Systems, and Dr. Stefan Zoller, President and CEO of EADS Defence and Communications Systems.
Northrop Grumman. After many years as a leading supporter of the international Workshops, Northrop Grumman was a vital Principal Sponsor for the second year. Under the leadership of Northrop Grumman executives Mr. Tom Vice, Mr. Bill Ennis, Mr. K.C. Brown, and Mr. Harry Pearce (now retired), Mr. James Moseman, and Mr. Jacques Pous, as well as Mr. Kent Schneider, Mr. Tom Baker, Mr. Vince Roske, and Mr. Joseph Penarczyk, Northrop Grumman helped us broaden and strengthen the Workshop senior military dimension, as well as the discussion of Alliance transformation and Network-centric operations (including Allied Ground Surveillance).
Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics. In the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense, we are grateful for the advice and support of Mr. Alfred Volkman—who developed and chaired the panels on international cooperation over the last several years—as well as Mr. Robert Bruce, Mr. Roger Golden, Colonel Rodney Schmidt, and Ms. Karen Kay. We also appreciated the efficient assistance of Ms. Rita Bidlack.
Assistant Secretary of Defense (Networks and Information Integration). Thanks to Assistant Secretary Linton Wells II (Acting), Mr. Robert Lentz, Mr. Michael Kern, and Mr. Tim Bloechl (now at Microsoft), network-centric operations have become an increasingly important component of the international workshops. We also appreciate the helpful administrative support of Lieutenant Colonel Richard Palermo and Ms. Cecilia Jones.
Office of the Director of Net Assessment. As Director of Net Assessment, Mr. Andrew Marshall has been one of our most stimulating sponsors for more than two decades. Ms. Rebecca Bash has been a very effective administrator of this project, who arranged for the review of this report prior to publication.
Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA). At DTRA, Director Dr. James Tegnelia, Mr. Doug Englund, Lt. General Robert Chelberg (ret.), and Colonel Robert Dickey greatly facilitated our efforts on this project.
National Defense University. At the National Defense University (NDU), we appreciate the support and encouragement of the NDU Foundation and especially General Chuck Link and Mr. Robert O’Such, as well as Dr. Hans Binnendijk, Colonel Steve Brooks at the Industrial College of the Armed Forces, and NDU's former President, Lt. General Paul Cerjan.
Major Workshop Sponsors
Alenia Aeronautica S.p.A. We greatly appreciate Alenia Aeronautica's continued sponsorship support, as well as this year's Workshop address by Chairman and CEO Ing. Giovanni Bertolone, the involvement of Mr. Stefano Tagliani and Mr. Riccardo Rovere, and the long-term interest and encouragement of Ing. Dr. Giorgio Zappa—now COO of Alenia's parent company, Finmeccanica.
Boeing Company. The Boeing Company was a sponsor again this year. We appreciate the continued interest and encouragement of Senior Vice President Thomas Pickering and especially his Workshop address on Iran and the Middle East. We also appreciate the participation again this year of Mr. Fred Spivey, as well as Mr. Russ Preston.
Lockheed-Martin Corporation. Dr. Scott Harris has contributed to the Workshop for many years, both as a participant and as a speaker—initially as an executive at Lockheed-Martin's Bethesda headquarters and more recently as President for Continental Europe of Lockheed Martin Global. We appreciate his continued support and participation.
MBDA Missile Systems. We are grateful for the personal efforts of MBDA's CEO Marwan Lahoud in support of the Workshop as well as his address and MBDA's vital sponsorship. Ms. Sarah Markell was helpful in coordinating MBDA's involvement.
MITRE Corporation. We appreciate MITRE's two decades of support for the international workshops on global security, the contributions over most of this period by Mr. John Quilty (now retired) and the enthusiasm of his successor Mr. Raymond Haller, Vice President at the Washington C3 Center, as well as that of Senior Vice President Alfred Grasso and Vice President Dr. Stephen Huffman.
Raytheon International. Vice Admiral Norman Ray has supported the Workshop for over a decade in his various roles of Deputy Chairman of the NATO Military Committee, Assistant Secretary General of NATO, and more recently as President for Europe of Raytheon International. We were pleased that Mr. Torkel Patterson, Raytheon International's new President could join us this year in Chantilly.
SAFRAN. We would like to acknowledge SAFRAN's vital sponsorship of the Workshop and the participation and address of SAFRAN's Senior Vice President for International Development, Mr. François Courtot.
Thales. We greatly appreciate the participation and Workshop address by Thales's Chairman and CEO Denis Ranque, as well as Thales's vital sponsorship of this year's Workshop.
General Dynamics Corporation. Mr. Michael Malzacher, CEO of Land Combat Systems Europe, represented General Dynamics this year. We are grateful for the long-time support of General Dynamics, including that of General George Joulwan, Member of the General Dynamics Board of Directors and former Supreme Allied Commander Europe, as well as that of Vice President William Schmieder, and Mr. Tom Leris, Director of International Marketing for Europe.
Iridium Satellite LLC. As Chairman and CEO of Iridium Satellite, Mr. Carmen Lloyd has been a strong Workshop supporter; we especially appreciate the participation of Executive Vice President Greg Ewert at this year's Workshop in Chantilly.
Rolls-Royce. As Chairman of Rolls-Royce Deutschland Ltd & Co. KG, Mr. Axel Arendt's continued interest and support was welcome again this year.
Sponsoring governments. With special thanks this year to the French Ministry of Defense and Minister Michèle Alliot-Marie, we would like to acknowledge those governments which, over two decades, contributed to the Workshop series: Czech Republic, Kingdom of Denmark, Republic of France, Federal Republic of Germany, Republic of Greece, Republic of Hungary, Kingdom of the Netherlands, Kingdom of Norway, Republic of Poland, Republic of Portugal, the Austrian Ministry of Defense, Italian Ministry of Defense, the Canadian Armed Forces, and the Russian Ministry of Science and Technology and the Ministry of Communications.
Workshop Patrons, Advisors, and Participants
Workshop Patrons and Honorary Chairmen. We are grateful for the encouragement and support of past Patrons and Honorary Chairmen:
His Excellency Aleksander Kwasniewski, President of the Republic of Poland (Workshop Patron, 1996; Principal Speaker, 1996, 1997, 1998, 2000, 2002)
His Excellency Vaclav Havel, President of the Czech Republic (Workshop Patron, 1997; Principal Speaker, 1996, 1997)
His Excellency Arpad Goencz, President of Hungary (Workshop Patron, 1999)
Her Excellency Michèle Alliot-Marie, Minister of Defense of France (Workshop Patron, 2005)
His Excellency Peter Struck, Minister of Defense of Germany (Keynote Speaker, 2004)
His Excellency Rudolf Scharping, Minister of Defense of Germany (Workshop Patron, 2000, 2002)
His Excellency Jan Troejborg, Minister of Defense of Denmark (Workshop Patron, 2001)
His Excellency Dr. Werner Fasslabend, Minister of Defense of Austria (Workshop Patron, 1998)
His Excellency Volker Ruehe, Minister of Defense of Germany (Workshop Patron, 1995)
Mr. Rainer Hertrich, Co-CEO of EADS (Workshop Honorary General Chairman, 2000, 2002, 2004)
General George Joulwan, Former Supreme Allied Commander Europe (Workshop Honorary General Chairman,1994-1997)
Advisory Board. For their many contributions in developing and structuring the agenda, themes, and other dimensions of the Workshop over the years, we would like to warmly thank the Workshop's Advisory Board:
His Excellency Valdas Adamkus, President of Lithuania
His Excellency Dr. Valdis Birkavs, Member of the Parliament of Latvia, former Prime Minister
Dr. Hans E. Birke, Deutsche Bahn AG
Dr. Manfred Bischoff, Member of the Board of Directors, EADS
Lieutenant General Paul Cerjan (Ret.), Former President, National Defense University
Ambassador Javier Conde de Saro, Ambassador of Spain to Japan
His Excellency Mikulas Dzurinda, Prime Minister of Slovakia
Dr. Thomas Enders, Co-CEO of EADS (European Aeronautic Defense and Space Company)
The Honorable Gordon England, United States Deputy Secretary of Defense
His Excellency Dr. Werner Fasslabend, Member of the Austrian Parliament and former Minister of Defense
Mr. Hans-Joachim Gante, President, BDLI (German Aerospace Industries Association)
Dr. Robert Hermann, Senior Partner, Global Technology Partners, former U.S. Assistant Secretary of the Air Force
General George A. Joulwan (Ret.), Former Supreme Allied Commander, Europe
Ambassador Karel Kovanda, Czech Permanent Representative on the North Atlantic Council
Admiral Jacques Lanxade (Ret.), Former Chief of Defense of France
His Excellency Linas Linkevicius, Permanent Representative of Lithuania on the North Atlantic Council
General Jack N. Merritt (Ret.), President Emeritus, Association of the United States Army
General Klaus Naumann, Former Chairman of NATO Military Committee
Ambassador Jaromir Novotný, Czech Ambassador to India
Dr. Andrey Piontkovskiy, Director, Strategic Studies Center, Moscow
Ambassador Jean de Ruyt, Ambassador of Belgium to Italy
General John Shalikashvili (Ret.), Former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
General of the Armed Forces Jirí Sedivy (Ret.), Former Chief of Defense of the Czech Republic
His Excellency Borys Tarasyuk, Foreign Minister of Ukraine
Ambassador Alexandr Vondra, Former Deputy Foreign Minister of the Czech Republic
Mr. John Weston, Chairman, Spirent PLC
Ing. Dr. Giorgio Zappa, Chief Operating Officer, Finmeccanica
Workshop participants. The Workshop presentations and discussions benefitted from the active participation of the following:
Ambassador Benoit d’Aboville; Permanent Representative of France on the North Atlantic Council
Her Excellency Michèle Alliot-Marie; Minister of Defense of France
Mr. Axel J. Arendt; Chairman, Rolls-Royce Deutschland Ltd & Co. KG
Mr. Patrick Auroy; Director for Force Systems and Industrial, Technological and Cooperation Strategies, Délégation
Générale pour l’Armement, French Ministry of Defense
General Gerhard W. Back; Commander, Allied Joint Force Command Brunssum
Mr. Thomas J. Baker; Executive Dir., Internat. Business Development, Northrop Grumman Information Technology
Mr. József Bali; Deputy State Secretary for Defense Policy, Ministry of Defense of Hungary
Ms. Anne D. Baylon; Deputy Director, Center for Strategic Decision Research
Ing. Giovanni Bertolone; CEO, Alenia Aeronautica S.p.A.
Admiral Jean Betermier; Special Advisor to the Chairman of EADS
Dr. Hans Binnendijk; Director, Center for Technology and National Security Policy, National Defense University
Dr. Hans Birke; BDLI (German Aerospace Industry Association), Space and Defense Advisor
Mr. Tim Bloechl; Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense, Networks and Information Integration
Colonel Steve Brooks; Industrial College of the Armed Forces, National Defense University
Mr. K.C. Brown; Director, USA/SOF Programs, Northrop Grumman
Dr. Kenneth Calder; Assistant Deputy Minister (Policy), Canadian Ministry of Defense
Ms. Marie-Jeanne Capuano; Head Publisher, EuroFuture
Lieutenant General Robert Chelberg; European Field Office, Defense Threat Reduction Agency
Lieutenant Colonel Charles Cooper; Military Assistant to Director, Defense Threat Reduction Agency
Mr. François Courtot; Senior Vice President International Development, SAFRAN
Vice Admiral Glenn V. Davidson; Canadian Military Representative to the NATO Military Committee
Mr. Wolf-Peter Denker; Senior Vice President, Governmental and Political Affairs, EADS
Colonel Robert Dickey (ret.); Acting Deputy Director, Combat Support Directorate, Defense Threat Reduction Agency
Admiral Giampaolo Di Paola; Chief of Defense of Italy
Mr. Doug Englund; Director, On-site Inspection, Defense Threat Reduction Agency
Mr. William Ennis; Acting Director, Northrop Grumman International Inc.
His Excellency Karl Erjavec; Minister of Defense of the Republic of Slovenia
Mr. Greg Ewert; Executive Vice President, Iridium Satellite LLC
Dr. Werner Fasslabend; Member of the Austrian National Assembly and Former Minister of Defense of Austria
Colonel Raymond Freeland; Office of Assistant to the U.S. Secretary of Defense
Major General Lars Fynbo; Head, NATO Air Ground Surveillance III
Ms. Anna Gainey; Political Advisor to the Minister of Defense of Canada
The Rt Hon Bruce George, MP; Chair of House of Commons Select Committee on Defense
Mr. Jean-Louis Gergorin; Executive Vice-President, Strategic Coordination, EADS
Mr. Dragos Ghercioiu; Adviser to the Secretary of State, Ministry of Defense of Romania
The Honorable William Graham; Minister of Defense of Canada
Mr. Alfred Grasso; Senior Vice President and Director of the C3I FFRDC, The MITRE Corporation
Dr. Scott Harris; President, Continental Europe, Lockheed Martin Global, Inc.
General Raymond Henault; Chairman of the NATO Military Committee
Dr. Robert Hermann; Senior Partner, Global Technology Partners, LLC
Ambassador Erich Hochleitner; Director, Austrian Institute for European Security Policy
Dr. Stephen Huffman; Vice President, The MITRE Corporation
Dr. Edward Ifft; Adjunct Professor, Georgetown University
Dr. Pauli Jarvenpaa; Director General, Department of Defense Policy, Ministry of Defense of Finland
General George Joulwan (Ret.); Former Supreme Allied Commander Europe
Ambassador Jean-Pierre Juneau; Permanent Representative of Canada on the North Atlantic Council
Mr. Michael Kern; Director, Office of the U.S. Assistant Secretary of Defense (NII)
Mr. John Koenig; Acting U.S. Permanent Representative on the North Atlantic Council
The Honorable Dale Klein; Assistant to the Secretary of Defense for Nuclear,Chemical and Biological Defense Programs
General Nikolay Kolev; Chief of General Staff of Bulgarian Armed Forces
Vice-Admiral Tarmo Kõuts; Commander of the Defense Forces of Estonia
Ambassador Mária Krasnohorská; PhD; Ambassador of Slovakia to France
Mr. Uros Krek, Director General, Defense Policy Directorate, Slovenian Ministry of Defense
General Harald Kujat; Chairman of the NATO Military Committee
Ambassador Raimund Kunz; Head of the Directorate for Security Policy, Swiss Federal Ministry of DefenseMr. Marwan Lahoud; President and CEO, MBDA Missile Systems
Mr. Robert Lentz; Director of Information Assurance, Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (NII)
Lieutenant Colonel Roger Lewis; Military Assistant to the Deputy Supreme Allied Commander, Transformation
Mr. Jan-Olof Lind; Swedish National Armaments Director
His Excellency Juraj Liška; Minister of Defense of Slovakia
Mr. Michael Malzacher; CEO, General Dynamics, Land Combat Systems Europe
Mr. Jean-Pierre Maulny; Deputy Director, IRIS (Institut de Relations Internationales et Stratégiques)
Professor Dr. Holger Mey; Vice President, Customer Relations Germany, Defense and Security Systems, EADS
Mr. Kostantyn Morosov; Ukrainian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Mr. James Moseman; Director, Europe and NATO, Northrop Grumman
Dr. Ekkehard Münzing; BDLI (German Aerospace Industries Association)
Professor Jaan Murumets; Policy Adviser to the Commander of the Defense Forces of Estonia
General Klaus Naumann; Former Chief of Defense of Germany and Former Chairman of the NATO MILITARY Committee
Mr. Rickard Nordenberg; Deputy Director for Air and Space Systems, Swedish Defense Material Administration
Mr. Renatas Norkus; Under Secretary of Defense of Lithuania
Ambassador Jaromir Novotný; Ambassador of the Czech Republic to India
Mr. Torkel Patterson; President, Raytheon International, Inc.
Mr. Harry Pearce; Former Director, Northrop Grumman International
Mr. Joseph Penarczyk; Vice President for International Business, Northrop Grumman Information Technology
Ambassador Marc Perrin de Brichambaut; Director for Strategic Affairs, Ministry of Defense of France
Lieutenant General Jean-Paul Perruche; Director General, European Union Military Staff
Ambassador Thomas R. Pickering; Senior Vice President, International Relations, The Boeing Company and Former Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs
Mr. Ion Mircea Plangu; State Secretary for Defense Policy, Romanian Ministry of Defense
Ms. Ganna Poliyevets; First Secretary of the Ukrainian Foreign Minister’s Cabinet
Mr. Jacques Pous; Regional Vice President, Northrop Grumman International, Paris
Mr. Russ Preston; Director Strategic Analysis, Central/Eastern Europe, Boeing International Relations
Général Christian Quesnot; Président du Comité d’Etudes de Défense Nationale; Directeur, Défense Nationale
Mr. Denis Ranque; Chairman and CEO, Thales
Ing. Gen. de l’Armement Robert Ranquet; Deputy Director of Strategic Affairs, Ministry of Defense of France
Vice Admiral Norman Ray (ret.); President, Europe, Raytheon International
Rt Hon Dr. John Reid, MP; Defence Secretary of the United Kingdom
State Secretary Edgars Rinkevics; Latvian Ministry of Defense
Mrs. Hélène de Rochefort; Parliamentary Attaché, Office of the French Minister of Defense
Mr. Vincent Roske; Senior Director, Modeling Simulation and Analysis Division, Northrop Grumman
Mr. Robertas Sapronas; Defense Advisor, Lithuanian Delegation to NATO
Major General Wlodzimierz Sasiadek; Polish National Military Representative, SHAPE
Mr. Kent Schneider; President, Defense Enterprise Solutions, Northrop Grumman Information Technology
General Rainer Schuwirth; Chief of Staff, Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE)
General of the Armed Forces Jirí Šedivý; Former Chief of the Czech General Staff
Mr. Pjer Simunovic; National Coordinator for NATO, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Croatia
Dr. Harold P. Smith; Distinguished Visiting Scholar and Professor, University of California, Berkeley
Mr. Fred Spivey; Director, International Business Development, The Boeing International Corporation
Admiral Sir Mark Stanhope KCB OBE; Deputy Supreme Allied Commander Transformation
Mr. Frank Stanonik; Head of the Private Office of the Minister of Defense of Slovenia
His Excellency Nikolay Svinarov; Minister of Defense of Bulgaria
Mr. Stefano Tagliani; Head of Media Relations, Alenia Aeronautica S.p.A.
His Excellency Borys Tarasyuk; Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine
Dr. James A. Tegnelia; Director, Defense Threat Reduction Agency
Mr. Thomas Vice; Vice President–Business Development, Northrop Grumman Integrated Systems
Mr. Alfred Volkman; Dir. for International Cooperation, Office of the Under Secretary of Defense (A, T, & L)
Dr. Hans-Heinrich Weise; Ministerialdirektor, Director of Armaments Division, German Ministry of Defense
Dr. Roger Weissinger-Baylon; Workshop Chairman and Founder; Director, Center for Strategic Decision Research
Dr. Linton Wells II; U.S. Assistant Secretary of Defense (acting), Networks and Information Integration
Rear Admiral Denny Wisely (Ret.); Former Deputy Director, U.S. Defense Threat Reduction Agency
Dr. M. Lin-Hua Wu; Advisor to Center for Strategic Decision Research
Dr. Stefan Zoller; President and CEO of EADS, Defence and Communications Systems
Acknowledgements: Château de Chantilly, Château Hotel Mont Royal, and the Workshop International Staff
Château de Chantilly. At the Château de Chantilly, the “Trompes de Chasse” (ensemble of traditional hunting horns) of the Garde Républicaine of the French Ministry of Defense welcomed the Workshop participants. We are grateful to Minister Alliot-Marie, the Garde Républicaine, and especially Ingenieur Général Robert Ranquet for making this performance possible.
Surrounded by gardens and canals designed by Le Nôtre and set in the midst of one of the largest forests north of Paris, the Château de Chantilly was built over a period spanning the 14th to the 19th centuries. Its Condé Museum hosts the largest collection of paintings in France after the Louvre, with paintings by Fra Angelico, Raphael, Van Dyke, and a library of rare books including the famous Book of Hours, the Très Riches Heures du Duc de Berry. It has been the residence of great figures in French history, from the Princes de Condé to the Duc d’Aumale, son of King Louis-Philippe. We are grateful for the tremendous support of Château Director Mr. Frédéric Nancel, and its many outstanding staff members including Mr. Alexis de Kermel.
Château Hotel Mont Royal. Its beautiful and efficient facilities on a hill-top in the Chantilly forest near the Château de Chantilly were ideal; The château hotel's Director, Mrs. Valérie Claude, and her well-trained staff gave us truly outstanding support.
Workshop international staff. Dr. Lin-Hua Wu (J.D., Stanford) returned to the Workshop staff for the eighth year. Caroline Baylon, a graduate of Stanford, coordinated a very effective international workshop staff including Britta Schultheis, manager of the all-important Workshop database, Dr. Eugene Whitlock (J.D., University of Michigan), who helped coordinate the Workshop logistics, and Jean Lee, director of the Workshop's graphics and photography. Jean made life easier for us this year by shifting to digital photography. Other staff members were Jonathan Durand, Jens Domberg, Dr. Frances Hsieh (J.D., Stanford), and Julien Sauné.
Workshop publications. As CSDR Deputy Director, Anne D. Baylon played a key role in every aspect of the Workshop's development as well as the editing of this volume, for which she was responsible. She acknowledges the contributions of her editorial team, including Carol Whiteley, and the valued assistance of Kevin Cotter with layouts and printing. We appreciate the tireless efforts and years of experience of everyone on this outstanding staff.
Menlo Park, California and Paris, France November 2005